a day by the pool

a day by the pool
6ft x 5ft

Tuesday 3 April 2012

March 2012

Paintings within the space
In these works, i create two large scale paintings, mirroring the space depicted in the paintings, i which i was motivated by the architecture of the space.

university of ulster, 2 x oil on board 6ft x 4ft

Jan 2012

mirroring the space, painting the space and objects within the space.
in this work, i made a large scale painting, based on a space with objects present. the objects are conceptual.
i used a flood sign and other warning signs plus an umbrella to create an atmosphere in the space making the viewer cautious about entering the installation.
the painting is a play on the idea of mirroring, it makes the viewer think about the space and objects being reflected. there is a play on the idea of reflection- objects in the painting and room appear to be moved around, also playing with the viewers perception of the work.

 oil on board, 8ft x 6ft

installion view

Feb 2012

A painting of ready made objects, recording the objects within the space